Bush Blitz visits Timber Creek School

Bush Blitz scientists got to share their enthusiasm about the plants and animals of the Victoria River region last week with the students of Timber Creek and Bulla Camp Schools. It was a fantastic opportunity for the kids to meet real life scientists and discover that they are just like everyone else; women and men, […]

Get hip to herps

Before I arrived at the Bradshaw Bush Blitz, I sort of guessed that the Victoria River region of the Northern Territory would be a herpetologist’s paradise. Some of its most famous residents are saltwater crocodiles, olive pythons, frill neck lizards and green tree frogs. And now the in-field experience is confirming my assumptions! Herpetology is […]

Awe-inspiring invertebrates

Over 95% of all animals on the earth are invertebrates of one form or another, so it’s not surprising that we are finding plenty of fascinating invertebrates in this remote corner of the Northern Territory, just north-west of Timber Creek. Here on the Bradshaw Bush Blitz the tarantulas are the invertebrate pop stars. Even the […]

Action stations at Bradshaw Bush Blitz

Fifteen scientists got straight into action on day one in the Northern Territory, after being generously welcomed by the Nungaili/Ngaliwurru People. We greatly appreciate the Traditional Owners sharing their country. Big thanks also to the Department of Defence for allowing access to the Bradshaw Defence Field Training Area near Timber Creek. Bounded by the Fitzmaurice […]

Coral Sea, 2016

In June 2016, a Bush Blitz was conducted on four islands in the Coral Sea – East Diamond Islet, South West Coringa Islet, North East Herald Cay and South West Herald Cay. Scientists recorded 175 species, at least 94 of which had not previously been recorded on the islands and two may be new to […]

Bruny Island Tasmania, 2016

In February 2016, a Bush Blitz was conducted on Bruny Island in Tasmania. Scientists recorded 848 species, at least 591 of which had not previously been recorded in the study area and 63 may be new to science. One threatened animal species, 30 exotic or pest animal species and one exotic seaweed species were recorded. […]