
Tom North and Lydia Guja manage the National Seed Bank and Damian Wrigley is National Coordinator of the Australian Seed Bank Partnership.

Join Tom, Lydia and Damian for a unique opportunity to:

  • learn how they collect seed from plants to ensure that species are saved in the seed bank
  • find out about the work of seed banks across Australia and how they are working to save threatened plant species

Sessions will be run at 11am (1 hour) and 1pm (1.5 hours) and are aimed at older children (age 10 and over) and adults.

Tom, Lydia and Damian will explain how they prepare equipment for seed collecting, identify seed on plants and collect seeds. Take a walk with them to identify suitable plants for seed collection. Prepare a herbarium specimen and make a seed collection suitable for banking in the National Seed Bank. Find out what happens to collected seed once it makes it to the Seed Bank.

Places are limited and bookings (essential) will be taken from 10am on the day.