Rungulla, Queensland 2022: Bush Blitz expedition report summarises the initial scientific findings of a Bush Blitz expedition to northern Queensland. Between 2 and 13 May 2022 the expedition team recorded at least 829 species, including 40 species that may be completely new to western science (1 ant, 5 flies, 6 true bugs, 2 spiders, 22 mites and 4 fungi). Four threatened plants, 15 introduced/pest animal species and 14 weeds were also recorded.
Bush Blitz expedition report [PDF – 4 MB]
This expedition was a successful team effort by researchers from various institutions, the First Nations people of Rungulla, land managers and ranger groups.
The expedition report includes data from reports provided by the scientists who took part in the expedition. The full scientific reports are available here for those who require more detailed information:
Mammals and birds [PDF – 419 KB]
Amphibians and reptiles [PDF – 5.9 MB]
Insects [PDF – 7.6 MB]
True bugs [PDF – 702 KB]
Spiders [PDF – 1.1 MB]
Mites [PDF – 3.3 MB]
Plants and fungi [PDF – 6 MB]
A TERN (Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network) field team conducted ecological monitoring work during the Bush Blitz expedition and have provided an ecosystem surveillance report [PDF – 214 KB].