Bush Blitz scientists go back to school

See how our scientists go when they are asked to go – “back to school”. Nine Laura State School students and three teaching staff shared their wonder for nature, hunger for learning and contagious enthusiasm with the Bush Blitz scientists during field collecting and a visit to the lab. After each of the scientists explained what […]

Quinkan Bush Blitz underway

At this time of year, it’s hot and sticky in Quinkan country near Laura in Cape York. Collecting in the wet season has really paid off, as the trying conditions mean that few have attempted to collect during this time of lush growth and abundant water. The sandstone plateau, basalt peaks and often waterfall-fed gullies […]

Olkola Country, Queensland, 2015

In July 2015, a Bush Blitz was conducted on land managed by the Olkola Aboriginal Corporation on Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. More than a third of the 897 species found had not previously been recorded on Olkola Country, and 57 species may be new to science. Three threatened species were recorded, as well as eight […]

Bush Blitz TeachLive – engaging high school students in science

The future of conservation depends on the skills and tools of science teachers. High school teacher Keith Martin-Smith argues that field trips, real and virtual, are pivotal to engaging students. In a beautiful article written for the well known Wildlife Australia Magazine, Keith Martin-Smith from Hobart Tasmania, talks about engaging his students in meaningful way and his experience as […]