Insect collecting

Ryan Shofner (University of NSW), Nikolai Tatarnic (Western Australia Museum) and Gary Taylor (University of Adelaide) are entomologists on the ACT Bush Blitz team.

Join Ryan, Nik and Gary on a search for insects:

  • Make your own pooter and learn some of the techniques used to collect insects
  • Be amazed at the variety of tiny animals that live at the Gardens

Insect-collecting trips will run at 10.30am, 11.30am, 1.15pm and 2.15pm. Places are limited and bookings (essential) will be taken from 10am on the day. A small donation will be requested to cover the cost of materials.

If you’d like to find out what a pooter is, or would like to make one at home, check out our how to make a pooter factsheet!