
Dr Simone Louwhoff is the lichen expert on the ACT Bush Blitz.

Get up close and personal with lichens – view a miniature world under the microscope. Drop into the field lab any time between 1pm and 3pm to meet Simone. Look at the features that make up lichens, find out how they stay alive and look for invertebrates living among them.

Join a lichen search party – learn about the different growth forms of lichens and make a list of the number of species you find in each category. 10.30am and 11.30am. Walks will last about 30 minutes. The first walk will be aimed at children up to 12 years (with a responsible adult). The second walk will be aimed at older children and adults. Places are limited. Bookings are essential and will be taken from 10am on the day.

This lichen was photographed by Robert Whyte on the Kimberley Bush Blitz in 2014