A Bush Blitz was conducted at Kurtonitj, Lake Condah and Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) during March 2011. A total of 854 species were added to those previously known across the reserves. Eighteen species possibly new to science were discovered — these await assessment. Thirteen threatened animal species were observed, of which ten are new records for the reserves. Ten threatened plant species were recorded, of which seven are new records for the reserves. Forty-five exotic or pest fauna species and 18 weed species were also recorded.
- Kurtonitj, Lake Condah, Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Areas VIC report, 2011 [PDF 8.9MB]
- Kurtonitj Indigenous Protected Area Supplement [PDF 4.0MB]
- Lake Condah Indigenous Protected Area including Allambie, Lake Condah, Muldoons and Vaughans properties Supplement [PDF 4.1MB]
- Lake Condah Mission Supplement [PDF 4.0MB]
- Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Area [PDF 4.0MB]