Local expert, Dr Roger Farrow, will lead a two-hour walk through the Gardens to observe a variety of pollinators at work. Discover the many ways flowers attract pollinators and guide them to their pollen. The walk will start at 10:15am and there will be a maximum of 12 participants. Bookings are essential and will be […]
Author: Bush Blitz
Jodi Rowley and Chris Portway from the Australian Museum are the frog experts on the ACT Bush Blitz. The ACT is home to about 15 species of frog, including the abundant Eastern Banjo Frog and Spotted Marsh Frog, and the highly threatened Northern Corroboree Frog. Learn how you can identify your local frogs without even […]
ACT for Bees
Come and be a bee and help to pollinate flowers. We’ll have a display of all types of bee hotels especially for native bees which will inspire you to go home and make one! Plus a good range of books on Australian native bee identification. ACT for Bees is a local community group.
Reptiles and other nature around Canberra
Members of Friends of Grasslands, ACT Herpetological Association andĀ Field Naturalists Association of Canberra will provide information about their groups, tips on where to find nature and a range of activities. Drop by to have a close-up look at nature, including some live reptiles – Grassland Earless Dragon, Striped Legless Lizard (both threatened in the ACT), […]
Insect collecting
Ryan Shofner (University of NSW), Nikolai Tatarnic (Western Australia Museum) and Gary Taylor (University of Adelaide) are entomologists on the ACT Bush Blitz team. Join Ryan, Nik and Gary on a search for insects: Make your own pooter and learn some of the techniques used to collect insects Be amazed at the variety of tiny […]
Being a citizen scientist, discovering spiders and jewel beetles
Stuart Harris was an accidental citizen scientist who discovered a new species of peacock spider in 2008. After that, he was hooked! In the last ten years he has discovered many more species of peacock spider and has also developed a passion for jewel beetles. Stuart spends most of his spare time in the bush, […]