
ACT for Bees

Come and be a bee and help to pollinate flowers. We’ll have a display of all types of bee hotels especially for native bees which will inspire you to go home and make one! Plus a good range of books on Australian native bee identification. ACT for Bees is a local community group.

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Insect collecting

Ryan Shofner (University of NSW), Nikolai Tatarnic (Western Australia Museum) and Gary Taylor (University of Adelaide) are entomologists on the ACT Bush Blitz team. Join Ryan, Nik and Gary on a search for insects: Make your own pooter and learn some of the techniques used to collect insects Be amazed at the variety of tiny […]

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Velvet ants

Juanita Rodriguez (Australian National Insect Collection) is one of the entomologists on the ACT Bush Blitz. Field lab: Learn how to recognise a velvet ant, about the evolution of warning coloration in Australian velvet ants, and how to collect and preserve them to study their DNA. Juanita will be in the field lab between 11am […]

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Aquatic invertebrates

The ACT Waterwatch program is a community engagement initiative that aims to encourage and support the community to take responsibility for improving the quality of water in the catchment. Aquatic macro-invertebrates (water bugs) vary in their sensitivity to changes in the environment and by identifying the number and types of water bugs in the water, […]

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