Diversity of insects in the ACT

Olivia Evangelista (Australian National Insect Collection) is one of the entomologists on the ACT Bush Blitz and will be in the field lab from 10am to 2pm. Come and learn about the fascinating diversity of insects in the ACT region. We will have displays illustrating the local fauna, including beetles, wasps, bees, and many other interesting […]

Close-up plant/animal photography

David Paul is the photographer on the ACT Bush Blitz. Marvel at David’s images and get tips on nature photography! David will demonstrate the effect of lighting changes on photographic results and the benefit of fast shooting in a semi-controlled environment. Chat to David in the lab or join him in the Gardens for a […]


Robert Raven (Queensland Museum) is the spider expert on the ACT Bush Blitz. Robert has been on several Bush Blitz expeditions and has described more funnelweb, trapdoor and tarantula species than any person living or dead! Meet some live spiders and find out the answers to some spider-related questions including: How do you know which […]

Fish and crayfish

Matt Beitzel (Aquatic Ecologist, ACT Government) and Michael Hammer (Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory) are the fish experts on the ACT Bush Blitz. Matt and Michael will be in the field lab from 11am to 1pm. Visit them to: see live fish and crayfish, and learn about the features used to identify […]